
Breaking News: Onyx Healthcare Named a GSA Schedule Contract Holder

The General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent federal agency designed to manage federal buildings, products, and service procurement support. The GSA awards contracts to suppliers and vendors who are known for providing exceptional products and services. These contracts are meant to streamline the process between buying and installing these products, so federal buildings and organizations are served faster.

Onyx Healthcare – the leading solution for medically focused computer design manufacturing and implementation – has just been awarded a General Services Administration (GSA) contract to sell their products and services to the federal government.

This contract not only sets up Onyx Healthcare as a preferred provider of medical devices to VA hospitals and other federally-owned healthcare facilities; it also demonstrates to the rest of the industry the organization’s commitment to superior design and innovative technologies.

The GSA contract demonstrates that Onyx Healthcare has gone through a vigorous vetting and approval process in order to be approved as a federal contractor. The vetting process includes examining the following components:

  • Financial stability
  • The length of time in business
  • Past performance (customer reviews)
  • Commercially available products
  • Products compliant with various trade agreements

Once these components are examined and approved, the organization may qualify to be awarded a GSA contract.

In addition to this recent recognition by the federal government, Onyx Healthcare has also been recognized for their exceptional medical devices by several organizations. In 2016 alone, Onyx Healthcare received the Communication Solution Product of the Year award from TMC and the coveted Internet of Things Product of the Year award from UBM Americas.

2017 certainly stands to be an exciting year for Onyx Healthcare!

To learn more about Onyx Healthcare or to view their product catalogue, visit http://www.onyxhealthcareusa.com/.

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