
When Emergencies Happen, This Medical Tablet Is Ready

Not all medical emergencies are confined exclusively to hospitals, medical clinics, and surgery centers. EMS staff members and remote medical professionals often find themselves dealing with life-or-death situations with nothing more than rudimentary or limited equipment.

That’s why Onyx Healthcare is pleased to introduce our new Emergency Medical Tablet, an 11.6” rugged medical tablet that brings the very best of medical technology to the most remote locations. The Rugged Medical Tablet is E1 Mark and EN1789 certified for ambulances and medical transportation vehicles.

The Rugged Medical Tablet features a twin hot-swappable battery, thus promoting a 24/7 run time. The Rugged Medical Tablet is designed to withstand roughs and tumbles, as it’s IP54 certified and drop resistant up to three feet. Instant vehicle docking makes the tablet easy to integrate with medical vehicles, while dual smart card readers support multiple care flow.

The Rugged Medical Tablet helps ensure that emergency medical personnel and traveling doctors are able to enjoy the best medical technology without being limited by geography. The goal is to ensure that every patient receives the best medical care possible, no matter where he or she might be.

To learn more about Onyx Healthcare and how this company is revolutionizing the medical device industry with the Rugged Medical Tablet, visit http://www.onyxhealthcareusa.com/ today!

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