
Revealed – Does EHR Technology Cause a Heavier Workload?

For many physicians, the burden of adhering to federal requirements for meaningful use of EHR (electronic health record) technology can cause significant burnout. In fact, it’s estimated that doctors spend more than half of their time on EHRs and deskwork, and less than a third of their time with patients. As a result of implementing and adhering to EHR requirements, many doctors claim that these technologies are creating an undue burden on physicians, who need to spend more time in patients’ rooms.[1]

While the beginning stages of implementing EHR technology may make doctors feel as though they aren’t experiencing noticeable benefits, research suggests that EHR devices can reduce significant costs to organizations, all while improving ROI and patient engagement metrics.[2]

So what can hospitals and medical facilities do to create a seamless EHR integration process? Respondents in an American Society for Quality (ASQ) survey made the following suggestions:

  • Embed a quality expert in every department: Hospitals and medical facilities shouldn’t have to go through the EHR implementation process alone. That’s why survey respondents noted that having a quality expert in every department could help smooth over this difficult transition period. A quality expert could learn the needs of the department before implementing EHR technology, then guide hospital decision makers on what technology they actually need.
  • Look for better workflows: Survey respondents pointed out that top priorities of medical facilities should be to improve organizational workflow and efficiency. As a result, respondents are urging EHR technology developers to research and design for efficient workflows and better patient interaction.
  • Provide in-depth training: According to survey respondents, one of the biggest hurdles to implementing EHR technology within hospitals is overcoming resistance from physicians and other decision makers. Given that physicians are the ones who impacted the most by EHR technology, experts and consultants should be dedicated to overcoming the learning curve by providing in-depth training and guidance.

As the leading solution for certified EHR technology, Onyx Healthcare specializes in creating top-grade computing platforms that meet FDA and regional requirements, all while shortening the implementation stage. To learn more about Onyx’s EHR technology or to schedule a consultation, visit http://www.onyxhealthcareusa.com/.

[1] http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/all-ehr-documentation-causing-physician-burnout

[2] http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/remote-monitoring-tools-patient-engagement-platforms-ehrs-have-greatest-potential-cost-savings

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